16 Jun

Relax about the whole thing and all things

 Have you thought about this lately?

I need to lose weight, I have tried many diets but nothing seems to work. When I do get to lose some weight, I tend to put it back on quickly and find myself back where I started.

I eat healthily and exercise regularly, but I tend to put weight on anyway there must be another reason why I'm putting weight apart from the type and amount of food I eat.

I get many of these questions from my patients, weight loss seems to be a concern for many and most people are now looking for new solutions to weight loss other than dieting and exercising.

I decided to write a blog on this topic to reach more people than those I work with on a one-to-one basis. 

Before you take any step to lose or gain weight you must make sure that you are doing this for yourself and YOUR general health and well-being.

You must initiate any change in your life from a self-love ground, and accept yourself in the shape you have now.

The key to acceptance is that it allows you to relax about the whole process, you can only create change when you are at ease. This applies to any situation in your life that require change.

Relaxation allows you to think straight and opens up your perception to new positive solutions.  

Energetically, when you accept what you dislike you keep your option to accept solutions that you dislike open.

When to reject what you dislike, you create an energetic blockage to anything good that may come to you through that rejection, including the possibility to solve it.

Here I invite you to redefine your comparison methods as to who you are comparing yourself to when you look at your body. Examine the concept of the supper model look and discover the truth about that belief. 

Our body's structures are different and we have different body constitutions,  not all of us should be a size six or four.

When you think of making any improvement compare yourself to Yousef, and where you were a year ago or two years ago. That's the only person you be comparing yourself to. 

Relax, love yourself in all sizes, and create positive change from confidence.

Chose your own pace and have fun

The type of exercise you do should be tailored to your circumstances.  

When you want to choose what to do, choose what you love. and do it at your own pace. Only measure your progress, and take notes to become aware of those.

Your appropriate pace and amount of exercise for you is that that feels comfortable for you. 

Extreme workout programs often fail or have short-term improvement, because your body is organic and does not cooperate very well with any sudden changes.

When you to extremes to lose weight fast, you are more likely to put it back on.

You can walk up and down a roller coaster 

Your pace is very important, you are the best person to determine what that pace should be. 

A few elements to consider before your choose your exercise routine.



blood type



the nature of your job

medical condition

period cycle phase

post natal period

time of the day 


You'll look at what you eat differently

In Chinese medicine,  for example, nutrition is based on food energetics. By this I mean the characteristics and the quality of the energy in the food you eat; and how these energies interact with your body's energetic systems. In this blog, you'll learn new methods to manage your weight and your health in general. These methods are based on ancient Chinese medicine principles. Food energy will involve more than the calorie count.

For example, if we look at the energetic properties of an almond, in comparison to the energetic properties of a biscuit, we find that the almond has the energetic quality to grow a tree but the biscuit doesn't. 

This means that you can use almonds to build a strong constitution, however, biscuits will not serve that nutritional need. 

There are types of food and supplements that help with weight loss in a natural way, that will work in line with your body. avocados and pistachio nuts for example help resolve fat around the waistline. 

For more information on what type of food helps with weight loss check out our newly released book 

The Energetic Approach to Weight Loss

by Lilly Anne OWENS

In this book, you'll find information on: 

what time of the day is best for you to eat according to your body's energetic clock.

The energetic properties of food

 Cooking methods and their effect on changing food energies, and advice on what methods you can use.

intermittent fasting benefits, and much more.

When you start thinking about food in terms of energy, your relationships with food will be in harmony with your nutritional needs. It will change, and start to function organically. An organic food function does not recognize eating for emotional needs. 

When you detach your nutritional needs from your emotional needs, you are no longer eating for comfort.

Moreover, your nervous system will create healthier ways to manage the emotional aspect of your life. At the same time, you'll experience periods when your nervous system would try and go back to the old way. The relapse periods are part of any changing cycle. You must know that you are not doing anything wrong and keep moving forward with this process. Maintain the belief that your nervous system will find new ways to ensure homeostasis other than relapses. 

At the same time, your nervous system will look for new ways to address the emotional aspect that is no longer associated with food. During this changing period, you must become aware of what that may be. Observe rising behaviours carefully and refrain from adopting new dependencies. You may feel like you have unexplainable cravings, or you may even notice a change in the way you eat. Perhaps you will notice an increase in your spending or the way you relate to other people when they are eating.  The manifestations vary but the energetic shift is the same. You can think ahead and find a desirable healthy behaviour to avoid these pitfalls.

Healthy behaviour means you are not going to attach your emotional well-being to anything that is outside of you. Find out more on new ways to realize emotional balance from within with our personal development coaching sessions.  

Your subconscious mind works much faster than your conscious mind, it can go in any direction because its possibilities are unlimited. Your conscious mind can provide guidance as to which direction your subconscious mind should go. By becoming aware of this fact, you become aware that you are able to reprogram your subconscious mind. You can direct it toward working with you instead of working against you. Our NLP coaching sessions are designed to establish a constructive relationship between the two minds, between you and yourself. 

Time and weight loss

According to your body clock, there is time for everything you do. In TCM the body has a precise time during which energy flows in abundance into certain energetic systems. This is the time when the body functions of those energetic systems are more active.

In this blog, I will explain the energetic properties of the Earth Element. The Earth Element is connected to the Spleen channel and the Stomach channel. When I mention Spleen and Stomach within the context of TCM, I do not mean the physical organ per se. It means the extended energetic network that is associated with the channels.  

For example, in terms of energetic channels, the Spleen channel is associated with fertility and conception. The Spleen organ is not. 

I will not go into more details in TCM, that was just a brief indication as to which Element we are using in this topic. 

In addition, I wanted to clarify a common misperception people make when they hear the names of the energetic channels of the body. 

                                 TCM organ body clock

Exercise time

The time of your activity is salient to the process of eliminating extra weight and toxins in your body.

Your body can either be storing fat or burning it, it can not do both at the same time. When you eat, your body releases insulin, which is the hormone that tells your body to store fat. Insulin also stops your body from burning fat. The right time to exercise is when your insulin level is very low. This is problematic if you have insulin resistance. I will address this topic in another blog.

You will not lose weight if you exercise just after a meal no matter how hard you work. I often see people snacking in the middle of a workout drinking protein smoothies or even fruit juice. 

How long it takes to lower the level of insulin in your blood depends on your metabolism, the longer you can wait before you exercise the better. 

Three hours is the minimum you can wait after a meal before you exercise. 

Energetically the best time of the day to workout is in the morning, before breakfast because that's the longest you waited without food. 

It is also the best way to start the day, as opposed to a late workout that does not agree with your body clock.

In the evening your body is ready to slow down for a good night's sleep. If you prefer to excise in the evening, it's best to avoid cardiovascular training and any kind of effort that may cause stress hormone release. You may want to think of a more relaxing type of work such as evening yoga or Tai Qi.

Meal time

The time of the day when the energy flows in your digestive system is between 7 am and 11 am. From 7 am to 9 am the energy flows in the Stomach channel, and from 9 am to 11 am the energy flows in the Spleen channel.

 This is the time when your digestive system can perform at its best.

 Energetically you are less likely to store fat when you eat within the hours between 9 am and 11 am.

That is what explains that you are more likely to gain weight if you eat late at night or at any time after 11 am.

The most important meal of the day is indeed breakfast. 

Consider the total amount of food you eat during the day. Gradually aim to have at least 80% of that total before midday. Just by making that small change, you will have improved in many ways. When you synchronize your routine with one energetic system the other four follow.

The energetic system we are addressing here is the Earth Element. It is also known as the centre of all Elements it's a good place to start. Your energetic system functions in a very settled manner, and it requires time and patience to create change. without time this change will be superficial and more susceptible to relapse. 


Overview of the latest weight loss solutions available today

In this section, I will discuss some of the latest weight loss supplements and other solutions on the market. Provide a thorough analysis of the ingredients according to TCM energetic theories to help you make an informed decision on what to use.

Only products that are 100% natural and non-synthetic are included in this section.

                                 1. Ikaria Lean Belly Juice

An overview from the Chinese medicine foods energetics perspective


What is Ikaria Lean Belly Juice?  

Ikaria Lean Belly Juice is a supplement that had been formulated based on observations of the healthiest communities in the world. Inspired by the healthy diet of Ikaria, this supplement is made from natural ingredients combined to support the body’s ability to burn fat.

 Ikaria is a Greek island in the Aegean Sea, a worldwide famous Greek island due to the longevity of its inhabitants and the Ikarian diet. Their eating habits follow the well-known Mediterranean diet, with fresh plant-based ingredients and the sparing use of meat combined with a healthy social life.

 Ikaria Juice is a compound of sixteen ingredients gathered to target the main causes of weight gain, particularly the accumulation of stubborn fats that is hard to burn with diet. There are many implications involved in weight gain, observations of weight loss diets show that people are more likely to put the weight back on with diet and exercise only. These ingredients are designed to support a healthy gut microbiome that has many other benefits on health and wellbeing, not only weight loss. 

They target the underlying health issues of weight gain in a holistic natural way. Gut health plays a major role in metabolic regulation, including immune health. Gut microbiota can influence tumour development and alter interactions with the immune system in a desirable way.


How does Ikaria Lean Belly Juice help with weight loss?

The main emphasis in how Ikaria Juice targets stubborn Body fats is to address three main issues that lead to an increase in body weight:

 1 Target uric acid There is a close link between the build-up of uric acid in the body and weight gain, by reducing this acid Ikaria Juice facilitates the elimination process in the body. Uric acid plays a causative role in the creation and storage of fat. 

Uric acid is also linked to both Gout and diabetes. It’s associated with a nearly 20% increased risk of developing diabetes, and a more than 40% increased risk of developing kidney disease. By controlling uric acid levels in the body, we can promote better metabolic function and health.

 2 Boosts metabolism Metabolism is a series of processes that control the storage and use of energy in the body. When the metabolism is working at a fast pace, it is optimizing the body’s ability to burn fat and detoxify. Fat is used to create energy and is less likely to be stored. 

One of the important effects of having a fast metabolism rate is that it provides you with more energy than a slow metabolism does. A good energy level is essential in everyday life, it prevents fatigue, and helps you maintain a healthy mood during the day. It helps you lose weight in a more sustainable reliable way than reducing food intake.  A fast metabolism rate also means better blood circulation and better nutrient distribution to all body cells. The feeling that you have enough energy supply to take you through the day with confidence and to perform effectively.

 3 Reduce appetite The probiotics complex in Ikaria Juice helps balance the bacteria in the gut microbiome, particularly candida. Candia is one of the other bacteria and archaea that form the intestinal flora; when the amount of candida in the gut is high or anywhere else in the body, it turns pathological. Candidiasis also referred to as a yeast infection is a cause of many diseases and is hard to keep at bay. 

Candida lives on sugar, it is one of the main causes of craving sweet foods and overeating. When lacking sugar candida sends toxic chemicals to the brain that can cause tension headaches and uncontrollable food cravings. Ikaria Juice complex targets one of the main causes of overeating intelligently by supporting a healthy gut microbiome. What I find helpful about this approach is that a healthy and well-balanced gut microbiome plays an important role in immunity, it represents 80% of the immune system. When the gut microbiome is out of balance the immune system is compromised giving rise to infection and disease.


Chine medicine energetic properties analysis of Ikaria Juice ingredients

In this section, I will briefly give you an insight into the energetic properties of Ikaria Juice ingredients according to Chinese medicine theories. The main ingredients of Ikaria Lean Belly Juice are in two categories, eight fat-burning ingredients, and seven proprietary additional ingredients.

  • A metabolic blend of eight fat-burning ingredients

 Milk thistle

 Milk thistle In Chinese herbal medicine, milk thistle is used to remove stagnation in the body’s energetic system. In other words, it promotes faster metabolism. It is recommended to reduce swelling, promote blood circulation, and stop bleeding. It benefits the skin and helps regenerate new skin cells. In terms of organs, it tonifies the liver and promotes a healthy function of the bladder. 


Taraxacum is the scientific name for dandelion.  in TCM (traditional Chine medicine), dandelion is used to treat stomach problems, and appendicitis. It is commonly used to treat kidney disease, liver, and gallbladder problems, and to reduce swelling. Dandelion leaves are used as a diuretic. 

Panax ginseng

 Panax ginseng is a traditional medicinal plant widely used in Chinese medicine. Panax means “all healing” it is used to tonify Jing (a Chinese terminology for essence), meaning an anti-aging herb. It is therefore used to help patients with weak Jing. the manifestations of weak Jing are weak constitution, low libido, muscle weakness, infertility, premature aging, etc… Panax ginseng is known in TCM as the king of tonic herbs. It is indeed used to increase Qi (energy) in the body and helps direct it towards the energetic channels where the energy is depleted. 

The energetic properties of Panax ginseng specifically support the body through its tonifying action, in addition to promoting equal distribution of energy in the body’s energetic channels. These energetic properties mean that Panax ginseng can also prevent the unequal distribution of energy in the body. This is known as “Qi stagnation” in Chinese medicine, it can manifest as anger, lack of motivation, pain, and depression. It is said that Qi stagnation is the cause of all diseases.


Resveratrol is extensively used in Traditional Chinese medicine to treat lung disease mainly by suppressing free radicals like reactive oxygen species (ROS). Free radicals break cells down over time, and as the body ages, it loses its ability to eliminate free radicals. Damage to cells leads to degenerative processes such as weight gain and aging. Resveratrol has the energetic properties to act as an oxidative stress inhibitor. oxidative stress is a phenomenon caused by an imbalance between the production and the accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in cells. It helps detoxify these reactive products.  

Resveratrol inhibits inflammatory response. It’s antimicrobial, anti-aging, cardioprotective, and anti-cancer. Citrus pectin The health benefits of modified citrus pectin fiber start in the gut, it contributes to a good bacterial gut balance and helps the intestinal lining. It’s a prebiotic fiber as well as a transit facilitator.

Citrus pectin

Removes cholesterol, toxic metals such as lead and mercury, and the residues of radiation. Benefits low blood sugar condition and the emotional depression associated with it. 

In Chinese medicine, circus pectin is used in gallbladder flush formula, as well as in softening gallbladder stones. The energetic properties of citrus pectin pertain to the category that promotes and support elimination and cleansing. 

EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate)

Act as a potent antioxidant that may prevent cellular damage caused by free radicals. It reduces inflammation and prevents chronic conditions including heart disease, and cancer. Used in traditional Chinese medicine compounds to treat diabetic wounds, it plays the role of diminishing inflammation and supporting the body’s immune system. The energetic properties of EGCG are characterized by their interaction with Jing the essence, the root of all energies. Herbs that tonify and support Jing also support the body’s resilience to infectious diseases, and the body’s ability to rejuvenate itself. 

Fucoxanthin Recent studies have confirmed that fucoxanthin had many beneficial functions and that it can be used as both medicinal and nutritional ingredients. 


Plays an important role in preventing obesity, it is an anti-inflammatory, an antioxidant, and has a cerebrovascular protective effect.  Most importantly, fucoxanthin may affect the gene expression linked to lipid metabolism and may lower the level of potential lipids.    

Many studies suggest that fucoxanthin helps with weight loss by stimulating the expression of uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) in white adipose tissue (WAT). Our body fat is made up of white fat cells and brown fat cells. Brown fat cells burn excess fat and transform it into heat to burn additional calories, while white fat cells store excess energy as fat. The inner mitochondrial membrane of brown fat contains uncoupled protein 1(UCP1). 

UCP1 degeneration causes obesity-related issues, by stimulating the expression of UCP1we can support weight loss. This action has been abundantly documented in many studies, where the intake of fucoxanthin brown seaweed extract resulted in a considerable decrease in belly fat.   


Has several health benefits, it helps the body absorb nutrients more effectively, particularly curcumin leading to reduced appetite. 

Curcumin has a wide range of health benefits. Research has shown that Bioperine can favourably stimulate the digestive enzyme of the pancreas, this can help with food transit time and promote more regular bowel movements. 

A study found that small doses of piperine lowered blood glucose levels, other studies have confirmed the potential anti-diabetic effect of piperine. Bioperine is a manufactured product that provides a concentrated dose of piperine. 

  • A proprietary blend of seven additional ingredients.


Beets are rich in folate (vitamin B9) which helps with cellular regeneration and function. Folate can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke because it plays a key role in repairing blood vessels. 

Beets are naturally high in nitrates which are converted to nitric oxide in the body; this compound causes vasodilation and lowers blood pressure.

Beets are also high in fiber and can promote the growth of good bacteria in the gut. In traditional Chinese medicine, beets are used in liver cleansing formulae, and blood circulation. They have the energetic properties of calming the mind and the spirit, these actions enhance general wellness and mental health. 


According to Chinese medicine energetics, hibiscus is both warming and cooling in nature; this means it can be used to create balance and harmony in the energetic dynamics of the body. If we apply this to the process of weight loss, it means that hibiscus may support the body to lose weight at a steady pace. 

According to Chinese medicine, when we create change in the body in a slow and harmonized manner; that change is more likely to last. In addition, hibiscus is used in beauty products it has many benefits on the skin, it may help slow down collagen degradation, and keep the skin moist. 

Hibiscus has anti-cancer and anti-bacterial qualities. Animal and human studies point to antioxidant anthocyanins as the compound most responsible for the health benefits of hibiscus.   Some studies have shown that hibiscus can improve cholesterol levels after just four weeks of taking hibiscus extract. 

Strawberry extract 

Strawberry extract main properties are, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, aphrodisiac, cardiovascular support, blood sugar regulation, and reduce risk of type 2 diabetes. It regulated blood sugar levels and prevents fatigue associated with sugar levels.    Strawberry extract is used in Chine medicine to stop coughing and support the lungs, and sore throat, promote more frequent urination when difficult, detox from alcohol, and help with age spots on the skin.

The main meridians that are associated with the uses of the strawberry extract are the spleen meridian, the lung meridian, the small intestine, and the larger intestine. The energetic properties of hibiscus are therefore more effective in this area, meaning the immune system and the digestive system. 

 Acai extract 

Acai extract’s health benefits include antioxidant content, lower cholesterol, and preserve brain health. In Chinese medicine, acai extract is used to enhance immune strength, and support vital Qi. 

Energetically Acai extract is used in Kidney Yin Deficiency to support Kidney Yin. Kid Yin and Kidney Yang energies are the base of all energetic systems in the energetic body, kidney yin, and Kidney yang are interconnected; by supporting Kidney Yin we create support and harmony for the whole body. 

African mango extract 

African mango extract is widely used for weight loss, researchers have found that the seed of the African mango contains powerful nutrients that help reduce belly fat. African mango extract supports weight loss by boosting metabolism and suppressing appetite. It contains high quantities of soluble fiber; fiber remains in the stomach for a long time and keeps it full. This results in low food intake and the use of stored fat to generate energy. 

Some researchers found that African mango extract puts the body into thermogenesis, a process in which the body’s temperature is increased by burning a larger amount of body fat without losing body fat and strength. 

Black currant extract 

Black currant extract in terms of Chinese medicine energetics, black currant extract is of cool nature. Its energetic properties are associated with the Kidney and Liver channels.

 Blueberry powder

The Chinese medicine energetics of blueberries are characterized by their close interaction with the energetic meridian of the liver. 

Blueberries benefit the liver and nourish Yin and blood. This means that blueberries promote detox and help enrich the blood with highly beneficial nutrients to support good body function. Nourishing the Yin energetically manifests in enhanced endurance and resilience. 

Blueberries have the energetic properties to calm the Shen, in Chinese medicine, Shen means spirit, and claiming the Shen means claiming the spirit. In other words, this means blueberries can benefit mental health and general well-being.




Based on the Ikaria Lean Bely Juice ingredients analysis, from both Chinese medicine foods energetics perspective, and nutrition science, there is enough evidence to support the claim that Ikaria Juice contains fat-burning nutrients. Promotes gut health and supports the immune system.  

The health benefits of Ikaria Juice go beyond and above tackling weight issues, some of the ingredients influence brain function and support mental wellness and emotional well-being.

It can be used to maintain good health, and prevent weight gain-associated diseases. 

From the Chinese medicine perspective, the energetics of the ingredients are linked to the main channels associated with liver cleansing, kidney function enhancement, and immune strength. In addition, some ingredients activate channels that support mental wellness and general well-being.

For more information on foods energetics and weight loss, please check our newly released book  The Energetic Approach to Weight Loss by Lilly Anne Owens. 

eat for your blood type

candida and weight loss

probiotics and weight loss

 types of food that help you lose weight

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